3 Benefits of Solar Energy You Should Know About

September 17, 2021

3 Benefits of Solar Energy You Should Know About

Did you know that the price of solar panels has fallen by 99.6% since 1976? As technology improves, it’s getting harder and harder to ignore solar energy as the future of electricity. Businesses and homeowners without solar power could be missing out on thousands in monthly savings and added value (more on that soon).


But it’s understandable if you’re a little uncertain about whether solar is right for you and your property. That’s why we’ve put together this 5-minute guide on the advantages of solar energy — ready? Let’s go.

How Does a Solar Energy System Work?

A solar energy system typically consists of a set of solar panels, an inverter, and all the infrastructure that connects them (batteries, wiring, racking, etc.). As solar panel technology continues to improve, energy systems are becoming a great way for businesses and homeowners to go green and reduce their costs. Let’s dive a little bit deeper into those benefits right now:

Three Benefits of Solar Energy

1. Fighting Climate Change and Reducing Pollution

It goes without saying — the environmental benefits of solar energy are simply unmatched. Switching to renewable energy has benefits on several different fronts:

Take air pollution as an example — burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other pollutants that harm the environment and our health. If not fossil fuels, you might get energy from some form of hydro electricity. Often, the dams required for hydro can disrupt local ecosystems and habitats.

With solar panels, you can rest easy knowing you’re doing your part — the turtles will thank you!

2. Lower Energy Costs

One of the prime benefits of solar energy is how it reduces your dependence on utility providers. For one, they can help you avoid peak hour fees: by switching to your solar power during times of high electricity demand, you can cut down on your energy bill. As an added benefit, using solar batteries lets you store energy long-term in case of a power outage or emergency.

3. Long Term Return On Investment

While we’re on the subject of money, let’s talk about long-term return on investment (ROI). A Zillow study on US homes found that installing solar panels increases the property’s value by 4.1%. 

Even better, your home will sell 20% faster! And don’t even worry about maintenance fees — since we’re not dealing with moving components, the only thing you’ll need to replace (about every 5-10 years) is the inverter.

That means the only thing holding most people back from getting a home solar energy system is the installation fee. Well, we’ve got good news:

You Can Get A Solar Energy System Today

It’s clear that solar is the future — and the government agrees. That’s why if you want to go solar here in Victoria, the government is offering rebates to make the process easier:

  • Solar rebates of $1,400.
  • Battery rebates up to $3,500 for any zip code in Victoria.
  • Commercial rebates of 50% of costs or $3,500.

So let’s recap: with a solar energy system, you can increase your home value, reduce your bills, and help the environment — and the government will help you pay for it. Interested yet? Fill out our contact form today, and we’ll answer any questions you have!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can solar energy power a house?

Yes! The sun hits the planet with enough energy in 90 minutes to power all human activity for an entire year — so there’s no issue there. Powering a house with solar energy is very much possible, but it will depend on your home’s sun exposure, location, and the kinds of solar panels you own.

What solar energy system do I need?

Your solar power needs depend entirely on your energy consumption. Typically, you can calculate how many panels you’d require depending on your average energy usage and the amount of sunlight your location receives. For the best advice, reach out to an energy system installation expert.

Why is solar power the best energy source?

Energy from the sun is renewable, emission-free, and environmentally friendly. The sun is essentially a limitless source of power that is available to everyone on Earth. Overall, solar panels also produce more energy long-term than is required to make them!


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Let's get your solar project up and running.

We can't wait to help you install solar!

Our team will work with you every step of the way to ensure your complete satisfaction throughout installation. You can trust us to provide quality service at an affordable price!

Andy Norman from Midland Solar
Andrew Norman
Operations Manager
1A Adam St, Quarry Hill VIC 3550
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