Heat Pump Rebates Now Available

Heat pumps are a popular sustainable home heating and cooling choice. To promote their use, the Victorian Government offers a $1,000 rebate through Solar Victoria. This is part of an effort to boost renewable energy technologies in homes. Additionally, homeowners can benefit from federal Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) and Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs), which provide financial incentives for energy generation and efficiency improvements. These rebates significantly lower the cost of installing heat pumps, making them an appealing option for those looking to enhance energy efficiency, reduce bills, and support environmental sustainability.
World Leading Efficiency
Highly efficient compared to electric resistance or gas heaters, this model complements Solar PV systems, runs on electricity, and utilizes the eco-friendly refrigerant R290.
Low Running Costs
Heat pump technology reduces electricity usage by 70-79% for heating the same volume of water compared to electric-resistance heaters.
Built For Climate
Performs effectively in Australian climates with ambient air temperatures ranging from -7°C to 45°C.
Smart Intergrations
Use the SmartHQ™ app on your smartphone to choose from five modes, adjusting heating to cheaper periods, minimizing energy during vacations, or prioritizing solar energy if you have Solar PV.


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